Monadic Systems


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Named Routes in Okapi: Part II

In Part I we pondered the motivation for named routes, and learned how they work in other frameworks like Yesod and Servant. Now we can talk about how named routes are implemented in Okapi.


Patterns in Haskell are used to construct and deconstruct data. If you use Haskell, you define patterns all the time. For example, when you define a data type like

data Foo = Foo Text Int

you’re creating a pattern that can be used to construct values of that type,

myFoo :: Foo
myFoo = Foo "hello" 54

and to deconstruct values of that type.

getTextFromFoo :: Foo -> Text
getTextFromFoo (Foo text _) = text

There’s also a way to define patterns without defining a data type. To do this we must use Haskell’s -XPatternSynonyms language extension. When this language extension is turned on we gain the ability to define custom patterns for existing types, like so.

pattern FooText :: Foo -> Text
pattern FooText text <- Foo text _

Pattern synonym declarations are similar to function declarations, but they are prefixed with the pattern keyword and must have an uppercase identifier like data constructors. They can even have type signatures! You’ll also notice that instead of an = sign preceding the body of the declaration, a <- is used instead. This reverse arrow is used when defining what’s called a unidirectional pattern. Unidirectional patterns are unidirectional because they can only be used for deconstructing values, not constructing them. For example, let’s redefine the function getTextFromFoo using the unidirectional pattern we defined.

getTextFromFoo :: Foo -> Text
getTextFromFoo (FooText text) = text

If we try to use the same pattern to construct a value of type Foo, we will get a compiler error.

myFoo :: Foo

This makes sense because if we look at our FooText pattern synonym, there’s no information about what should stand in for the second parameter of the Foo constructor. To remedy this we can explicitly define the second parameter to the Foo constructor in our FooText pattern synonym using another syntax.

pattern FooText :: Foo -> Text
pattern FooText text <- Foo text _ -- How we DECONSTRUCT values of type Foo
    FooText text = Foo text 9000   -- How we CONSTRUCT values of type Foo

Pattern synonyms declared using this syntax are called explicit bidirectional patterns because the programmer is explicitly defining how the pattern constructs and deconstructs a value. Now we can use FooText not only as a deconstructor, but a constructor as well.

anotherFoo :: Foo
anotherFoo = FooText "YEAH"

-- >>> anotherFoo == Foo "YEAH" 9000
-- True
-- >>> anotherFoo == Foo "YEAH" 69
-- False

Suppose we needed a way to construct and deconstruct values of type Foo, but with Foo’s parameters flipped. We could do this using the explicit bidirectional pattern syntax,

pattern FlippedFoo :: Int -> Text -> Foo
pattern FlippedFoo int text <- Foo text int
    FlippedFoo int text = Foo text int

but we could also use another syntax to express the same idea in a more concise way.

pattern FlippedFoo :: Int -> Text -> Foo
pattern FlippedFoo int text = Foo text int

Pattern synonyms declared in this manner are called implicit bidirectional patterns. The body of an implicit bidirectional pattern synonyms is prefixed with an = sign, just like a function declaration. This can only be done if all the pattern synonym’s parameters are used in the body of the pattern synonym.

Now we can use FlippedFoo just like Foo, except the parameters are in reverse order.

-- >>> FlippedFoo 54 "Hello" == Foo "Hello" 54
-- True
-- >>> FlippedFoo 9000 "YEAH" == Foo "YEAH" 9000
-- True


How Okapi Uses Patterns For Named Routes

In Okapi, named routes are implemented using pattern synonyms. It works becuase we can use the same “identifier”, a bidirectional pattern, to deconstruct and construct various parts of an HTTP request.

Okapi exports a function called route.

route ::
  MonadOkapi m =>
  m a ->
  -- ^ Parser
  (a -> Handler m) ->
  -- ^ Dispatcher
  Handler m

The route function takes a parser that’s used to parse data from the HTTP request, and a dispatcher that’s used to “choose” an appropriate handler by pattern matching on the data parsed by the parser.

The simplest way to use route is to give it the path parser (the parser that extracts the request’s path information), and a function that matches the path parsed from the request to the correct handler.

{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module Main where

import Okapi

main :: IO ()
main = run id $ route path $ \case
  ["home"] -> do
    return ok
  ["introduce", name] -> do
    return $ redirect 302 $ "/greet/" <> name
  ["greet", name] -> do
    return $ setPlaintext ("Hello " <> name) $ ok
  ["greet"] -> do
    maybeName <- optional $ queryParam "name"
    let greeting = case maybeName of
      Nothing   -> "Hello, Stranger."
      Just name -> "Hello, " <> name <> "."
    return $ setPlaintext greeting $ ok
  _ -> next

The -XLambdaCase language extension is perfect here because we can define functions that are just used for pattern matching in a more concise way. It allows us to skip the boilerplate code required to bind the lambda argument, and then pattern match on it with a case statement. We can simply use \case instead.

This is cool, but we can do better. Our handler for GET /introduce/{name} (the second case of the case statement) returns a redirect to another location on our server, but to create the URL we just use string concatenation. As we mentioned in Part I of this series, generating URLs via string concatentation is prone to developer error, so let’s use pattern synonyms to make sure the redirect is guaranteed to take the user to a valid location.

{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}

module Main where

import Okapi

pattern HomeRoute = ["home"]

pattern IntroduceRoute name = ["introduce", name]

pattern GreetNameRoute name = ["greet", name]

pattern GreetOptionalNameRoute = ["greet"]

main :: IO ()
main = run id $ route path $ \case
  HomeRoute -> do
    return ok
  IntroduceRoute name -> do
    redirect 302 $ renderPath $ GreetRoute name
  GreetRoute name -> do
    return $ setJSON ("Hello " <> name) $ ok
  GreetOptionalNameRoute -> do
    maybeName <- optional $ queryParam "name"
    let greeting = case maybeName of
      Nothing   -> "Hello, Stranger."
      Just name -> "Hello, " <> name <> "."
    return $ setJSON greeting $ ok
  _ -> next

Now, we pattern match on the request path using pattern synonyms. We also use the same patterns to construct the URLs to those handlers. We use the renderPath function exported by Okapi to automatically generate the URL for our pattern synonyms. No more dangerous string concatenation.

What do we do if the path parameters are a type other than Text? The path parameter we assign to the name pattern variable in the above examples is of the Text type. What if requirements changed and we needed to identify people using an identifier of type Int? Okapi exports the pattern synonym PathParam that’s perfect for situations when we want to match on a path parameter that’s of a type other than Text, as long as the type implements the ToHttpApiData and FromHttpApiData type classes.

{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}

module Main where

import Okapi

pattern HomeRoute = ["home"]

pattern IntroduceRoute pid = ["introduce", PathParam pid]

pattern GreetNameRoute pid = ["greet", PathParam pid]

pattern GreetOptionalNameRoute = ["greet"]

main :: IO ()
main = run id $ route path $ \case
  HomeRoute -> do
    return ok
  IntroduceRoute pid -> do
    redirect 302 $ renderPath $ GreetRoute pid
  GreetRoute pid -> do
    return $ setJSON pid $ ok
  GreetOptionalNameRoute -> do
    maybePid <- optional $ queryParam "pid"
    let returnPid = case maybePid of
      Nothing  -> throw notFound
      Just pid -> pid
    return $ setJSON returnPid $ ok
  _ -> next


We’ve only covered the simplest use case of named routes in Okapi. What if we want to pattern match on properties of the request other than the path?

Imagine we had an online car dealership with two types of forms. One for querying the available cars for sale, and another for submitting a car you’d like to sell. The HTML for the two forms would look like this.

<form action="/cars" method="get">

<form action="/cars" method="post">

If we could pattern match on the request method and request path, we could safely generate form attributes for our HTML forms too. Just like how we safely generated the URLs for our redirects in the previous examples.

<form {renderFormAttrs QueryCarsRoute}>

<form {renderFormAttrs PostCarsRoute}>

This would ensure that all form actions in our HTML are valid.

To be continued…